Lent is a season of humble and honest reflection on our lives, as we confess and seek forgiveness.
Pilgrim’s Ash Wednesday services are February 14 at 1:00 and 7:30. Both services will be hybrid (in-person and Zoom). At this service, we set intentions for the Lenten season.
Pilgrim will engage in community service in the Lenten season by collecting supplies for Dignity Matters through March 24.
Lent 2024 at Pilgrim is marked by two themes:
Building up the Body of Christ through Community and Recognizing and moving away from Antisemitism in our Christian practices
This second theme grows from Pilgrim’s involvement in Lexington United Against Antisemitism. Steve Van Evera and Rev. Reebee Girash will lead a series of conversations examining:
What is Antisemitism and where do we observe it in Christian history and current practice?
What is Supersessionism, how does it relate to Antisemitism, and where do we observe it in Christian history and current practice?
Bible Study – Texts often used in Christian Churches in Lent and Holy Week
Several brief articles will be available for pre-reading and reflection.
The season of Lent draws to a close in Holy Week, with a Palm Sunday parade on March 24 during the 10:30 worship service, and a solemn service of Communion and Tenebrae on Maundy Thursday, March 28, at 7:30pm.
Pilgrim will celebrate Easter with amazing choral and instrumental music, a surprise for all ages in worship at 10:30, and an Easter Egg hunt following worship.
See the link here for more information about Lent and Easter at Pilgrim Church.
Email welcome@pilgrimcongregational. org for more information including Zoom links.