Lent and Easter


Lent is observed during the 40-days (excluding Sundays) that lead up to Easter. During Lent, we take time for turning and returning to God. We self-examine, and reflect honestly about where we have been and where we would like to grow in our lives and in our relationships with others and God. We ask for God’s help in preparation for Holy Week and Easter.


March 5, 2025
Lent officially begins on Ash Wednesday. We use ashes and Communion to observe this beginning at an intimate service. Ashes are placed on our foreheads by the Pastor accompanied by the words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” We say prayers of confession and reflection, hear scripture and meditate, and sing hymns to observe this holy day.


April 13, 2025
We commemorate the day Jesus triumphantly entered the holy city of Jerusalem with crowds waving palm branches and crying, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” In person attendees: we’ll start outside, weather permitting. Zoom Attendees: grab some green branches and get ready to join the parade from home!
In this service we will travel through Holy Week, from a palm parade to the Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest. Special music includes the Pie Jesu and Agnus Dei movements from Faure’s Requiem.


April 17, 2025
Jesus’ commandment to “love one another even as I have loved you” is the focus of Maundy Thursday. This is demonstrated in Jesus’ example of servanthood when he washed the feet of his disciples and in the gift of Jesus’ self in Communion. We praise God for revealing Christ’s presence among us on this night of goodbyes. Our Choir will lead us in sacred song, and we will observe a traditional service of Communion and Tenebrae. Join us for Maundy Thursday in person or via Zoom at 7:30 pm.


April 18, 2025
We encounter the stark reality of Jesus’ crucifixion and death as the focus of Good Friday is the Passion narrative. On this solemn day we consider how we can be present in a world God has redeemed and loves. There is no formal service on this day but you are invited to practice a solemn day of prayer at home.


April 20, 2025
Easter is the most prominent holy day in the Christian tradition when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Easter, we rejoice that love always has and always will win. We celebrate the victory of life over death. Join us for a joyful celebration, including Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus, and declare that Christ is risen indeed! Join us via in person or via Zoom at 10:30 am.

For more information and Zoom Links please email: Welcome@PilgrimCongregational.org.