Pastoral Care

Caring for our members and friends is one of our most important ministries at Pilgrim Church. This ministry includes our Pastor, Care Angels, Lay Visitation Team, and many individual members of our church who provide loving support for those in need. Specifically, this assistance often includes a visit or phone call, making a meal, giving a ride to the doctor, etc.


Our Pastor is available to speak with you confidentially about any concerns you are facing in your life, sometimes it is helpful to speak with her when you have a loved one who is ill, facing death, or has died, when you are ill or hospitalized, or when you face life’s transitions and difficult moments. She is available to offer her support and spiritual guidance, and can also refer you to counselors or other local support groups as needed. Please contact our Pastor should you wish to speak with her.


We all have the privilege to be the hands and feet of Christ for one another, to show that we are Christ’s disciples by the love we provide. The Care Angels and Lay Visitation Team are the groups at Pilgrim who make sure we are remembering those who can use extra help, support, or fellowship outside the walls of our church.  Some of what they do is well known, other things are known only by the person being helped. Here are some examples of what the Care Angels and Lay Visitors do in the life of our church:

  • Deliver Altar Flowers, Pumpkins, Easter Baskets, small Christmas Trees, Cookies, and Poinsettias to ill or homebound members
  • Send cards and emails, make phone calls, or visit members in need
  • Make prayer shawls and deliver them to members in need
  • Prepare and deliver meals
  • Provide rides to the doctor or hospital
  • Provide respite care for caregivers
  • Host receptions after Funerals or Memorial Services