The Confirmation class meets every other year and is open to teen students. The program is led by the Pastor and Youth and Christian Education Director. We follow the UCC Confirmation Curriculum, Affirming Faith, and meet at least twice a month to learn and grow together, building strong relationships as we experience what it means to be Christians in community.
We share many areas of church life with our confirmands, including: Christian education, mission, worship, faith development, and interfaith understanding. Some Confirmation activities include:
- Attending the Opening Retreat and bi-weekly classes
- Participating in the Pumpkin Patch unloading event
- Completing the “What Do I Believe?” paper
- Attending at least 4 Worship Services during the year and completing worship reflections
- Attending at least 2 class trips to experience worship services at other Houses of Worship in Lexington
- Reading the Gospel of Luke
- Helping the Pastor with the Ash Wednesday Service
- Participating in two mission projects
- Attending the Confirmation Closing Retreat and completing a Confirmation Stole
Confirmation ends in May with a joyful celebration on Confirmation Sunday. During this special worship service, the congregation affirms the promises made when our confirmands were baptized. The confirmands present their personal, handmade stoles to the congregation as a way of sharing where they are on their individual faith journey. Finally, confirmands affirm their desire to continue their spiritual journeys and become adult members of Pilgrim Church.