Bible Study meets each Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. (September-June) and is led by our Pastor. Our Bible Study includes sessions focused on the Bible and sessions focused on a book of interest to the group. We discuss the Biblical text in its historical context as well as what it means in our everyday lives. We’ve recently explored Genesis together. Among our book reads, we’ve explored Barbara Brown Taylor’s An Altar in the World and Greg Boyle’s Tattoos on the Heart.
Our approach is not to interpret the Bible literally. God gave us minds and hearts and we use both to discern how God is still speaking to us today. We ask questions and discuss how to apply biblical stories in our various modern contexts.We begin and end each class with a prayer.
Since Bible Study is on-going, there is no beginning or end date. You also do not need to attend Pilgrim Church to attend Bible Study. You are most welcome to come and explore the Good News with us on any Tuesday morning that works for you!