The 2021 Pilgrim Pumpkin Patch is officially closed. Many thanks to all who coordinated, unloaded, staffed and tidied the Patch, bought pumpkins, publicized, took pictures, managed the finances – in essence, made our signature Pumpkin Patch run over the past 3 weeks. Although there were days of rain, cold, sun, a nor’easter, etc., the Patch was always there to serve and delight the community. A very special THANK YOU to all who helped staff and welcome visitors the last week during some really yucky weather – it made a huge difference in sales and Pilgrim made some new friends in the community. This year, we raised a net profit of more than $10,000, the second highest since the beginning of the Patch. What’s more, the final week when the weather was awful, we netted approximately $4,443 thanks to staffing and our Spooktacular pumpkin sale. About 50 pumpkins remained after we closed the Patch, but word was put out that free pumpkins were available, and those orange gems were scooped up by community members on November 1. Pilgrim Pumpkin Patch 2022? We’ve got some big plans! We hope you will join the fun.